
Wild Company

About Us

We love adventure

Who We Are

More than an adventure, its a way of life

Founded by a group of passionate outdoor enthusiasts who fell in love with Sweden’s breathtaking landscapes, The 4 Wild Company aims to share the wonders of this country’s wilderness with the world. Our team brings a wealth of experience and expertise in outdoor activities, ensuring that your journey with us is both memorable and safe.

The 4 Wild Company About Us Image 1
The 4 Wild Company About Us Image 2

Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell not stuff to show.


What They Say

Our Value

We have passion for the great outdoors

We believe in fostering a strong connection between people and nature, respecting the delicate balance of ecosystems, and promoting responsible and sustainable exploration.


We envision a world where every person has the opportunity to discover the awe-inspiring wonders of nature.


Our mission is to be the bridge that connects individuals with the untouched beauty of Sweden's wilderness.